The Cat
If you've seen me on social media, then you know that I actually have an orange cat named Gambit. I know, I know. Baker & A Black Cat, right? Where did the orange cat come from? That's a good question, so scroll down for more!
Gambit is my rescue kitty! He was abandoned near a local walking trail, and he kept following me up & down said trail, prompting many remarks of "out walking your cat, are you?" I cracked under the pressure, gave in to those big green eyes, and brought him home.
It's debatable as to who actually did the rescuing: Gambit or me...
He's a very happy kitty, and loves to watch his outside (surveying his domain)...but doesn't like to get too far from the house. (He learned from his teacher Duncan...) His favorite food is whatever tuna-and-salmon kitty treats I have on hand, and he loves long drinks from the sink. Also, everything you’ve ever heard about the one-brain-celled pumpkin pie cats is … 🐈 absolutely true.
I'm getting to the black cats part. Promise.
Logan (2003 - 2011)
The two constants in my life have been baking and cats. I've been a cat mom to furbabies since I was seven years old, and my "normal" has always always always cats!
When I moved back to Placerville from southern California, Logan came with me. Sixteen pounds of attitude with claws (half-Siamese, half Maine Coon), Logan more than lived up to his namesake, and settled into life in El Dorado County, teaching his housemate Duncan (see below) all sorts of tricks. Sadly, I lost Logan a few years after moving back home. I firmly believe that he was the force that led Gambit to find me on that trail!
Baker & A Black Cat started as a blog as I was starting culinary school. I still had my Duncan, and while trying to come up with a name for the blog, I looked up and focused on the pictures of my cats. And just like that, Baker & A Black Cat was born!
Duncan (~1999 - 2012)
Duncan was our shelter kitty, and he was a living, breathing, I-am-not-kidding Scaredy Cat. We don't know what happened in his life before he came to live with us, but Duncan was afraid of everything that wasn't Duncan. (And on occasion, he was also afraid of Duncan!) Duncan spent his days hiding in the bathroom or on his chair in the dining room, staying there until it was time to move to his bed in the garage for the night. Then I brought Logan into the mix. Suddenly Duncan could be found in the laundry room, the living room, my room, under the bed... When we lost Logan, Duncan was so sad, but he perked up when he became big brother upon Gambit's arrival. (I'm positive that's why Gambit stays so close to home, and will freak out when he can't see the house. Duncan's influence....)
A year after Gambit joined the family, we lost Duncan.
Now my bakery is named Baker & A Black Cat in loving memory of my boys who crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
Love & miss you guys, through the veil...